Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rat Race!

Ok... Ive got a story I want to tell so here it goes mind you i am not the best writer so forgive me.

This Saturday I was pretty eventful 5 of my friends and I decided to go to Venice. So to start things off I couldn't find my camera before we left "unfortunately about 10 mins after we got back I found it which really makes me mad but o well on to the story". So we pack 6 of us into an old alfa romeo 5 seater and drive to the train station in Pordenone. Everything going great a little cold is the only downside. We get on the train and start on our way there. It takes us almost two and a half hours to get there because the train keeps stopping. Finally we make it there and were all starving because we haven't ate yet at all. So we start walking trying to find a place to eat and its getting colder and colder not to mention it snowed. So we find this Italian restaurant and we go inside to eat I got spaghetti and lemon cake and a sprite. My meal was really good I covered it in Parmesan cheese delicious. Pretty much everyone else got pizza and wine. I'm not going to name, names so my friend "John" downs a whole liter of wine by myself. So he has a pretty good buzz going on and hes really happy. So we finally pay for our meal which was about 246 dollars. Then we leave to go find St Marco Square so we can get pictures and see the sites all that good stuff. Anyways my friend john really has to go to the bathroom bad and he drunk so hes not processing everything quite right. Anyways were trying to find St. Marco square and we cant because Venice is like a giant maze. So we stop and ask some people where its at and there telling us. John decides to go find a bathroom and takes off by himself totally wasted. We finally find out where we want to go and then we realize john isn't here. So we decide to go look for him cuz he couldn't have made it far. We searched all of Venice for about 2 hrs looking for him. So to start off the search we are walking and looking plus we start calling his cell phone so we can figure out where he went. He doesn't answer for like 30 mins. finally when he does answer he tells us that he is by a restaurant and the hes trying to find his way back to where we were then all we hear on the phone is him say "O SHIT!" and then his phone went dead straight to his voicemail. All calls straight to his voicemail. So then were really trying to figure out what happened because during all the briefings they warn you about making yourself an easy target for terrorist or robbers. So we are looking for like another 45 mins and we finally decide the next carbinnari we see were gonna go tell the and ask for help. We figured three things happened he either dropped and broke his phone got in some kind of fight or he fell in the water. Finally we get this call from him. First of he sounds really sober and he tells us while he was talking to us he walked straight off into a canal. Then he tells us hes by hotel Gabrielli so we find out where that's at and walk for another half an hr trying to find it. Once we find it we go up to the door and it says its closed. So we start searching that whole area for him. So after about 20 more mins we get another call from him and we find out he said hotel Danielli. So we find that hotel he is sitting outside having a smoke. He tell us this guy gave him free clothes because his were all wet. The guy gave him free women's clothes he had on tight girl jeans a nice brown v neck shirt that showed almost his whole chest clearly a women's shirt and pantyhose on for socks. I think he was still a little drunk. And don't forget its still like maybe 15 degrees outside. In the end we found a hotel and spent the night. That its self is another story but ya I don't know if I should keep going there for fun or stop because somebody might get hurt. well that's my trip to Venice.