Friday, April 9, 2010

Church and State

So I was working the other day I was a turret gunner in my HUMVEE and we working really long hours... All were doing is sitting there watching and waiting till we can go home the problem is that you get really tired in there with all your gear. Obviously, you cant sleep so to stay awake I started bringing up controversial subjects to talk about.
We started talking about the United States Government and religion I was asking people in the Humvee about their views different politics and policy's and what they thought was right. The Humvee was predominately christian views but not necessarily the same christian views. We got on the subject of what really is wrong and right and what morals or values are and what defines them. The answer I got to my questions was the bible has all the answers. That if we follow the bible then that's what is moral and that is what God wants us to do. So then I decided that if they thought the bible was where all moral values come from then what did they think of separation of the Church and State. I don't know why my mind went to this end I was trying to stay awake. So they best way for me to do this is to cause an argument. Anyways I thought I knew what they were gonna say to this question I was trying to lead them into my next question but I was stunned and surprised. They answered that they thought that the government should run all of its policy's off what the bible has to say. I was shocked cause according to my knowledge of what this country was founded on it. I was pretty sure a separation of the Church and State was a big part of that. So after being taken aback slightly I posed my next question I asked if they thought that the bible principles supported the crusades way back when. I figured that clearly the crusades were just a reason to expand the might of the church. When I say might I mean money and power. At this point
I thought I had them I was sure of my impending victory.... Yet, to my amazement again they reasoned that crusades happened because God wanted it to happen that everything happens because God wanted it to happen. And then I got the never ending answer when somebody doesn't want to argue about things anymore. They said "you just cant question." that, "things that don't make sense you have to not think about." Anyways that's my story I was just surprised because I am a firm believer in the absolute and total separation of the church and state. I could have kept pushing the issue cause I had plenty more to say on the subject but the people I was talking to out ranked me by a bit so I figured it best not to get on there bad side because that could affect my immediate future. hahaha So I decided to right this blog and ask the question what does everyone else think on this subject. I really want to hear. So out of the couple of readers that will read this I know what probably half will say but I want to hear it anyway. That's all I got thanks for listening to my rant.

1 comment:

  1. Well, my first comment... interesting how when people don't know how to handle a situation they always revert to the avoid the question and don't discuss it anymore. With some good comment about how it is better to just not question or think about that... or how it brings the wrong spirit into the situation .. so yeah.. let's just shut up and not discuss it. GRRRRRRR
    Second... my thoughts on church and state... I think complete seperation. I say so because there are way TOO many different religious views for us all to be grouped into one catagory defined by religion. I just think religious issues and government issues are different. Keep them seperate.
